Student Grants

Student Travel Grants

Applications due: January 22nd, 2017
Notification: January 31st, 2017 (Late applications will not be considered)

The objective of IUI's student support is to encourage students interested in subjects related to Intelligent User Interfaces to become active members of the IUI community. To apply, the student should be actively enrolled as a student in an academic institution. Priority will be given to students who are first authors of accepted papers and to participants in the doctoral consortium, to minorities and woman. Recipients of the stipend are also expected to help the conference organization as student volunteers. The level of support will be determined by the availability of funds and the number of eligible applications.

The student volunteer chairs are here to help, please contact us if you have any questions that are not covered by the documents and links found below.

Currently, there are four grant schemes available which are detailed below:

IUI chairs will decide about the allocation of the sources of support to students that will be eligible for travelling grants (there are some differences between the sources and what is required from the students – see below).

The application should include:

  1. Full name
  2. Email address
  3. The school you are attending, your major, and the country in which the school resides
  4. If you will present at the conference, please provide the title of the submission and its type (e.g., research paper, student consortium, demo). Please note if you have submitted but have not found out if your submission has been accepted
  5. A short statement describing your research interests and how you wish to benefit from attending IUI 2017
  6. The location you are flying from and the cost for your airfare, as determined by the availability of low-cost economy fares for travel to the conference. Please describe any other expenses you expect to accrue, but do not include registration and housing costs, as they are similar for all students.
  7. Students may specify if they are female, ethnic minority, or students with disabilities, as we will consider these aspects when discussing the applications.

A letter of recommendation from your thesis or doctoral advisor (or supervising faculty member) sent separately by email to the Student Volunteer Co-Chairs at If you are also applying to the Student Consortium, one appropriately worded recommendation letter can be used for both applications, or you may submit a slightly different letter for each application.

Please submit your single, combined PDF (except letter of recommendation) to  by January 22nd 2017.

Types/sources of support

The SIGAI Student Travel Grant

Following the tradition of previous years, we will offer student participation support provided by SIGAI to attend the IUI Conference. This support is in the form of a small stipend to cover the registration fee and partially cover the costs of travel and living expenses while attending the conference. The students will be reimbursed for their expenses after the conference. All students who get travel grants from SIGAI must send us a paragraph about their experience and a headshot before they will be reimbursed. You must be a member of SIGAI before submitting the reimbursement forms ($11 dues).

The stipend recipient must be a member of SIGAI before submitting the reimbursement forms.

The IUI travelling grant supported by SIGCHI

Following the tradition of previous years, we will offer student participation support provided by SIGCHI to attend the IUI Conference. This support is in the form of a small stipend to cover the registration fee and partially cover the costs of travel and living expenses while attending the conference. The students will be reimbursed for their expenses after the conference. All students who get travel grants from SIGCHI must send us a paragraph about their experience and a headshot before they will be reimbursed.

The stipend recipient must be a member of SIGCHI before submitting the reimbursement forms.

The German AI Society Travel Grant – for German students

The German AI society (AI chapter of the Gesellschaft für Informatik) is kindly offering support for German students or students working in Germany to attend the IUI Conference. This support is provided in the form of three small stipends (500 EUR each) to partially cover the registration fee and the costs of travel and living expenses while attending the conference. The students will be reimbursed for their expenses after the conference. After the conference, students write a short report (1 page) for the national AI magazine. Students must be member of the German AI society before submitting the reimbursement forms.

The National Science Foundation travelling grant - for US students

We are happy to announce that student participation support provided by NSF to attend the IUI Conference will be provided (limited to US students). This support is in the form of a small stipend to cover the registration fee and partially cover the costs of travel and living expenses while attending the conference. The students will be reimbursed for their expenses after the conference. All students who get travel grants from the NSF funding must send us a paragraph about their experience and a headshot before they will be reimbursed.
