The objective of the student grants is to encourage students interested in subjects related to Intelligent User Interfaces to become active members of the community and participate in IUI-2019. To apply, the student should be enrolled as a student in an academic institution. Priority will be given to students who are authors of accepted papers or student consortium participants.
The chairs of IUI-2019 (general chairs, student consortium chairs, and student volunteer chairs) will decide on the allocation of the student grants. These will cover the conference registration fee and, depending on the availability of funds and number of eligible applicants, also travel and accommodation expenses.
The recipients of the grants will also be expected to help the conference organisation as student volunteers.
Applications are now open! Apply by selecting "IUI 2019 Student Volunteers" on the Precision Conference website.
Applications may be submitted at any point up to the deadline. Please read instructions before starting the applications.
The SIGCHI Student Travel Grant (SSTG) program is intended to enable students who lack other support opportunities to attend SIGCHI sponsored or co-sponsored conferences. This travel grant is intended to support students whose intention is to *present* at a SIGCHI sponsored conference, not just attend. (More Information)
In recognition of Gary Marsden’s contributions and inspiration in HCI4D and support of HCI in the developing world, ACM SIGCHI established the Gary Marsden Student Development Fund in 2015. This fund is especially intended for sponsoring postgraduate students (Master or PhD degree) from and currently based in developing countries to attend SIGCHI (co)sponsored conferences as well as other HCI relevant conferences. In the last one year, 21 students were awarded by the fund. (More Information)
The section for Artifical Intelligence of the German Informatics Society awards a limited number of travel grants to PhD-students and young researchers for the participation in AI conferences. The grant is supplemental and can be used to cover for travel costs and/or registration fees. (More Information)